
Saturday 3 March 2012

A couple of Pants Bags

I really have enjoyed my sewing the last few days - although I still have to baste USA #3 quilt, it's been fun knocking up a couple of Pants Bags for my friend Peta and her Mum. When they came to stay last month, they kind of chose their own fabrics but I have chopped and changed a little (quilter's prerogative) as the fabric didn't work as well with the shapes (blocks) I designed. They don't take up a lot of time and are a bit of 'instant gratification' for me. I finished Peta's first:

and I like the extra pattern the sides make when you look at them:

Then, because I really liked the paper piecing (despite the extra time it takes), I decided to do it again for her Mum's bag. I love the way patchwork takes you from this - a few bits of material and a piece of paper:

to this:

This was the end result:

and the back. I like changing it up a little bit so the two sides don't exactly match:


Each Pants Bag uses about 1/2 yard fabric plus the equivalent in lining (which for these two was some pretty floral polycotton I picked up at Leeds market last year - I only use 100% cotton in my quilts and creations but polycotton is ideal (and more economical) for use as lining) and about a yard of ribbon or cord. The cost of materials, ribbon, thread, etc, probably adds up to about £10-£12? Once I've decided on the pattern and chosen the fabric, it usually takes me about 3 hours to make ... I don't rush and I press every seam as I go along.

I love them - I hope my friends do too and the next time they come to visit (which will be soon, hopefully), they can pack their pants in a pretty Pants Bag!

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