
Wednesday 31 October 2012

Farmers Wife #47 ... HELP!!

I have googled and flickrd without success ... can anyone help me with how I should sew the 'y' seams in this block (#47 Homemaker)?

I really don't want to unpick anymore nor do I want to give up on it - it's such a pretty block:

Thank you :)


  1. Ooh, Y seams, not tried them yet. How about the library? They might have a How To book there :)

  2. Go to YouTube and search Kay Wood's y seam technique. She has an easier way to sew them. Hope it helps!

  3. Ugh! Thanks m'dears - it's beyond me this week :( just spent ANOTHER hour trying and again was totally unsuccessful. Oh well ...

  4. Y seams are totally beyond me. And I have no desire to try them. Ever. :) Good luck!


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