
Wednesday 7 November 2012

Runaway Week :(

I'm not sure I'm going to get any sewing time this week and that makes me a bit sad :( the week is just running away without me and I'm out tonight and tomorrow after work and have three adorable little girls coming for a sleepover on Friday so ... no chance really! And you know, I'm not really really sad - I'm thankful.  Thankful for the friends I'm meeting up with in the evenings after work and thankful that our dear friends trust us and allow us to 'borrow' their children from time to time (they're thankful too as they get a night out at the Cinema and a Saturday lie-in!)

So, whilst pondering where the week has gone, I can't help but also think where has the year gone? And, if I can't make a new quilt this week, I'll look back at some of the 'old' ones I have made and how the garden photos changed to reflect the year passing ...

The winter - February 2012 - saw the second in a series of five 'USA' quilts for my cousins in America - this one was for Lauren:

The spring - June 2012 - saw another 'USA' quilt for cousin Jeanie:

The summer (apparently we did have one!) - August 2012 - and the final 'USA' quilt for cousin June:

The autumn - October 2012 - and a quilt for my dear Aunty G:

Looking back, I am also thankful to have all these lovely ladies in my life x

The weekend will soon be here and I plan to finish a quilt for another cousin and make some more Amsterdam blocks for dear SIL's Christmas Pressie quilt.

Hope you have a good week - whatever time allows you to do with it :)

1 comment:

  1. These quilts are beautiful and I absolutely LOVE how you did the backs on every single one of them!
    Nancy from joy for grace


I love reading all your comments, I know it takes time to write them but they make me smile so thank you for dropping by :)