
Tuesday 29 January 2013

Thanks for the thanks :)

When I left the house at 0625 this morning for a long day at work, I did not know that the lovely Carla from Creatin' in the Sticks had sent me such a sweet message of thanks. Reading it on the train really brightened my morning of dreary travel and lifted my mood, I can tell you. You'll remember Carla won my Giveaway. Here's an extract of what she wrote:

"I received your package today and wow, what a great package it is.  I love the pants bag.  It's beautiful and perfect!  You do fabulous work and I love the label inside.  I will cherish it always."

Now that I know the Pants Bag has arrived safely, I can share some photos:

I am soooooooooo glad you love it Carla!

And here's me, just home, quick dinner and binding my Hurricane Sandy Quilt ... I WILL finish this by Thursday :)

Hope you're all  having a good week.


  1. Cool pants bag, love the colours :) And love the pic of you working away. Always nice to see who you're talking to! Hope you get it finished x

  2. Oh, it is so beautiful and I feel very lucky to have been your winner! I hope your binding is going well. I finished mine today between haircuts at work.
    Thank you, so very much, for the wonderful prizes. You are the best!


I love reading all your comments, I know it takes time to write them but they make me smile so thank you for dropping by :)