
Saturday 23 February 2013

Good Morning indeedy!!

What a wonderful start to the day - Mr Postie has delivered the most AMAZING parcel :)  :)   :)

Naughty naughty Carla (@ Creatin' in the Sticks) but I love you! Oh, you should have seen my face when I opened the parcel - not only did I get my fabby prize from your Blogiversary Giveaway:

... can't wait to 'tap and unwrap' that jelly roll gorgeousness but you sent me all this other lovely stuff toooooooo:

The 'Sparkly Red Shoes' card is just beyond fantastic - I shall keep it forever! And the fat quarters, thread and ribbon - all pink! And the Deputy badge from Dodge City ... just too funny :D

Thank you, Carla for being very generous and so thoughtful ... you have made my day. Can you tell?!?! 


  1. Lucky you! Perfect remedy for your cold ;-)

  2. Wow! Enjoy playing with your new toys ; )

  3. What a lovely way to start your day! I love getting mail and quilting items is the icing on the cake. Enjoy your evening!

  4. What lovely prizes. Congratulations!

  5. Wow!!! You were deservedly spoiled! How fun!

  6. I don't know how I missed this post. You are the best and I was thrilled to spoil you! You spoiled me not so long ago.
    I'm so happy you had a great day. You deserve it.


I love reading all your comments, I know it takes time to write them but they make me smile so thank you for dropping by :)