
Thursday 7 February 2013

Using up the old ...

Just hopping around to see what my favourite bloggers are up to and Beth over at Love Laugh Quilt made me smile. Not only does she make the cutest stuff, she writes some great lines too. For example, in today's post, she wrote about her latest very cute baby quilt:

'I love all that pretty fabric, I love that I didn't have to shop for any of it. My goal this year... use ONLY what I own!!! We'll see how THAT goes. ;)

That sentiment really resonates with so many of us, hey? And, as I said to Beth, I can't promise not to make any new purchases ths year but I will definitely use up more of my old. 

My friend's dad (70+) is getting married on Valentine's Day so I found all this cute fabric in my stash last night and made his new wife-to-be a Pants Bag to take on their cruise:

What about you? Are you buying new fabric ... using up the old or a bit of both?

1 comment:

  1. It seems like I am always trying to use up the old. But somehow "new" sneaks in when I'm not looking!


I love reading all your comments, I know it takes time to write them but they make me smile so thank you for dropping by :)