
Sunday 24 March 2013

A good day's sewing :)

As promised, yesterday I spent the whole day sewing in the loft sewing until DH came home from the Whisky Live event :)

It was a quiet day; I miss Mutter, who went home on Thursday :( We had a lovely week whilst she visited us. She makes me laugh soooooo hard and we both end up with tears rolling down our faces ... she has an amazing sense of humour and I miss her when she goes home but, being the middle child, I'm used to sharing her! So, we went to see The Lion King in the West End on Tuesday and she LOVED it. Here she is outside:

And here we are inside, enjoying a fiercely expensive G&T (but then it was Tanqueray!):

We didn't tell her anything about the show beforehand and so her face was a picture when the 'animals' came down the aisle. We had strategically placed her on the end of aisle seat so that she'd get the best view though I'm not sure the elephant, dancing along, minding his own business, was expecting to get his tusk felt by a giggling 75 year old!! Oh Mutter, I love you so much - you are one in a million :) xx

And to my 'Saturday Sew-in' - I think I was up in the loft for about 8 hours ... doesn't time fly when you're having fun? I did stop for a little lunch:

But mostly I was pinning and sewing and ironing open a million seams:

It's taking lots of time ... really lots of time but I'm enjoying the different stages of seeing it come together and I totally love the bright colours - thanks again, dear Carla, for the giveaway jelly roll, though part of me wishes I'd chosen an easier quilt to use it on! But this is intended as a special gift, so it's worth it. This is where I'd got to by 7:10pm last night:

Now I can see it nearly finished, I've chosen this (out of the 42? possibilities) fabric for the background:

I guess my question to my few devoted readers is, 'how should I quilt it?' You know I don't have a variety of quilting in my repertoire but I'm not sure that my usual FMQ stippling / meandering will be the best for this one ... HELP!!


  1. It's amazing!!! What a great result for hours of sewing :-) Can't offer much support on quilting, as I'm strictly a straight line kind of girl...

  2. Love, love, love it Jen!!! It's coming along well and is a really neat block. I like that you put black in the center squares - it really anchors it. I would be the last one to advise on quilting - that is not my strong suit. I am making a quilt from the same book and you inspired me to pull it out again. I will post pictures later today or this week.

  3. I'll bet the Lion King was fantastic! It sounds like you had a great time with your mom. I love the quilt - can't wait to see it finished! I especially like how it looks like the pieces are curved. I'm sorry, I can't offer any advice on how to quilt it - I'm sure whatever you decide will be great!

  4. Such a pretty backing. Quilting? Not sure I'm the one to ask. I'm pretty much a straight liner ; )

  5. You have your mom's sense of humor. I love reading your blog because you are very creative and make me laugh with your wittiness. I love your story about the elephant. How funny.
    The quilt is amazing. I'm sure you will come up with a way to quilt it that is perfect. Try something new. (easy for me to say)...

  6. Fab quilt, shaping up beautifully! Can you use a pile of pink scraps? If so get in touch and will pass them on. I dont know anyone else who is such a devoted pink fan :D


I love reading all your comments, I know it takes time to write them but they make me smile so thank you for dropping by :)