
Friday 10 May 2013

Who's done ALL her work?!

That would be ... MEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeee :)

With minutes to spare before the Post Office closed, I posted the other two giveaway prize Pants Bags this afternoon (1st prize sent on Wednesday) and I am so happy because all three lovely ladies will get their gifts soon. I know they didn't mind waiting (was in Sweden last weekend - was the wedding really only a week ago??) but I know what I'm like when I'm waiting for a gift ... impossibly impatient ... so here they are!

First up for Fran @ Patchy Rose who asked for a purple PB. This scrappy block making was something new for me and I sewed it on to Vilene for extra stability and did just a little straight line quilting - I think it worked? I'll let Fran tell you what it looks like in 'real life' but I hope she likes it! 

Then, for Shauna @ lovingquiltin who asked for pinks or blues or greens ... Well, if you give me too much choice, you'll get too much colour, Shauna! Sorry, but I couldn't stick to one colour so you got all three:

And last, but not least, Nina @ Quilts, Life and Balance who asked for pinks and browns. Now, having a lot of pink in my stash but not so much brown, I was really chuffed when these 3 FQs 'jumped' off the shelf to come together:

Don't you just love it when that happens? I made a star on one side: 

And with the cut off triangles scraps, a centre square:

Which I framed:

It's so hard making stuff for other quilters - do you agree - especially when all the winners are so talented! (I stalked their 'older posts' to see what they've made!!)

Three different Pants Bags - each unique and special - just like their new owners! Three parcels off to the UK, Canada and USA ... lucky me getting to sprinkle some happy dust all over the World! Yeah ... get over myself, I know :)

Linking up with Amanda Jean @ Crazy Mom Quilts - Finish it up Friday

and Sarah @ Confessions of a Fabric Addict - Can I get a Whoop Whoop?


  1. Gorggeous, gorgeous bags as usual. You put me to shame with your hours of sewing - although to be fair I was in my sewing room today, albeit rearranging things :D

    1. Bless you, Kathleen - you should see the mountain of ironing, though!!

  2. Could not believe the wonderful parcel that arrived today! Kind of feel it justifies new pants too ;-) Also, being completely dozy, I had totally forgotten about the amazing fabric bundle! Doh, I thought I was 'just' getting a pants bag. Over the moon!

  3. These turned out beautifully, I'm sure the winners will love them! :)

  4. Very cute! Beautiful fabrics.
    esthersipatchandquilt at yahoo com
    Ipatchandquilt dot wordpress dot com

  5. The bags are lovely. I'm sure the recipients will treasure them.

  6. You do such beautiful work. Your bags are so colorful and fun.
    Love the facebook button. Maybe I need one. Look at you, sewing up a storm and updating the blog so nicely. Who would know you took a vacation? You are one over-achiever! Way to go.

  7. I'm glad that I get sprinkled with some of your happy dust! Lovin' the look of all the pants bags but am partial to the special one you made for me. :) Now to wait for the post to come . . . eeek! It's always amazing to me the creativity that you have - all bags are very different but each hold it's own personality. One of these days I'm going to try making some scrappy blocks - yours turned out well. Thanks again Jen!

  8. Woop Woop your bags look amazing and I love the cat

    Cheers Pauline

  9. Those are just adorable, Glinda - and I love the thought of you sprinkling happy dust all over the world! Whoop whoop!!

  10. Beautiful work. I just had to come over and say hi when I saw your comment over at Pink Penguin. How could I not say hi to someone going by the name of one of my favourite ever fairies. Sarah x

  11. They turned out fabulous. You even did homework to see what would fit. I am impressed. I always think I should do another giveaway, it has been years. Never know what to give away though!

  12. ~ Hello I loved your 'about me' and am thinking I could do with one of those magic wands.....LOVE, The wizard of oz so very much! ~ Your work is very pretty...With kindest 'Twinkles' ***** Maria x


I love reading all your comments, I know it takes time to write them but they make me smile so thank you for dropping by :)