
Thursday 6 June 2013

Thank you Nina and an adventure to share!

Still no sewing in Glinda's busy Oz - well, it's a bit difficult to create when everything's packed away!!

But someone else has been busy making things, haven't you?! Naughty Nina @ Quilts, Life and Balance thank you very very much. Like me, she has a small blog following, please pop over and say hi :)

Nina won one of my Giveaway Pants Bags (a pink one!) and couldn't help herself ... she just had to send me some pink loveliness in return! Look what was waiting for me when I got home from work today:

I love the Glinda fridge magnet! The dishcloth is one of Nina's 'knitting endeavours' and the pink flannel has been sewn into sections and a tie added to make into a cute roll-up! Perfect timing as we are packing an overnight bag and going on a little adventure tomorrow! 

We are going to view a house in North Wales (about 200 miles from London). It will be our 'retirement' home in 5 years time so it's a little premature in the grand scheme of things! We've fallen for it by looking at it (constantly!) on the computer and just have to go and see it to see if we really really love it:

If you believe in fate, signs, good luck, timing, que sera or even a message you find in a pink Chinese Fortune Cookie:

... then it will all work out! And if not, we get to spend a little time with family :)


  1. Property definitely looks big enough for sewing retreats ;-) Glad you got a nice parcel! Enjoy your weekend.

  2. Lovely looking house! You'll need to stock up on fabrics for North Wales, you know, for when you cant get to the shops....

  3. Beautiful house! I was looking on yesterday and they had Wizard of Oz fabric. I thought of you!

  4. The house looks fabulous - keeping my fingers crossed for you. It looks like it would have lots of room for fabric - and it's big, so you could have lots of beds with quilts on them! :) Nina sent you some pretty stuff!

  5. How exciting! I love adventures! So lovely that Nina sent you some pink lovelies in the mail. What a way to brighten a day. :)

  6. The house looks gorgeous. Spooky message in fortune cookie. Have a wonderful weekend.

  7. That house is gorgeous. Looks like plenty of room for me and Karen to stop by some day! (don't hold your breath though, the pond is deep and wide)

  8. I can't wait to hear about your adventure. That cookie says it all! Hope it's right.

  9. Goodie bags are so fun! And I'm in love with that house too. Hope it's a nice as you want it to be!


I love reading all your comments, I know it takes time to write them but they make me smile so thank you for dropping by :)