
Monday 15 July 2013

New quilt WIP :)

So my dear SIL's birthday bag arrived today in time for her birthday and she is THRILLED with it ... Happy Birthday, Deb ... I'm doing a happy dance!!

It's been glorious weather in London ... if you like it at 30C (90f) ... I'm sorry, I don't! Hey, I grew up in North Wales - we had one hot day a year :) So, when everyone else was in the garden over the weekend, I started a new quilt. Nell was also a bit hot too: 

I bought this fabric whilst on holiday in the Isle of Man. I particularly like the blue roses:

This quilt will be for my friend's Mum's 70th birthday in a month's time ... doing it to myself again - will I never learn?! Inger is Swedish and immensely proud of her heritage so the yellow and blue fabric was a given and my friend suggested adding the white. We went to my dear friend's wedding in Sweden in May - what a beautiful country.

Next - choosing a pattern. I looked at some Boston Quilts and Googled 'yellow and blue quilts', I also Googled '3-colour quilts' ... hmmm, nothing really grabbed me. So, I looked at my books - I know ... BOOKS! And, get this, I found a pattern in this book - the same book I used for my friend's wedding quilt:

Did all my cutting first:

Then I marked all the squares and began sewing just to the right of the line. I know some quilters 'eyeball' the sewing line ... I can't, so I'm happy to spend a few minutes drawing the lines:

And thanks to the tip from Julie @ MackandMabel, I am saving those triangles - who knows what they may come in handy for:

My first few blocks which will need white sashing:

Dear niece and fiancé arrived last night for a week's stay and made us a delicious Chicken Fajita dinner when we got home from work (they can come visit again!):

Linking up with Plum and June:


  1. Those blue and yellow blocks look lovely! Are you going to do a fancy border around them? I totally agree re the weather - we're not meant to be that hot! xxx

  2. Love the blue and yellow blocks you have done. Those will look great in a quilt! Anyone who cooks is a great house guest in my book!

  3. I hear ya on the heat! 30 is way too hot for me too . . . today we are 15 and windy so not so nice to sit outside but a great day to quilt. Love the yellow, white and blue . . . so clean looking! Your kitty looks like she's be shot!!

  4. I like the blue and yellow. I'm so impressed that you were able to buy enough fabric in the right amounts without knowing exactly which pattern you would be making. I often miscalculate even when I know what I'm making!

  5. I really love your blocks and color combo. I am in the process of making a quilt with leftover triangles and it was suggested to go ahead and sew them right away while they are right sides together. I am getting quite a stack of half square triangles which I will make pillow shams to match the quilt.
    Those fajitas look yummy. Your niece is a beauty. I love guests that cook or if they want to clean, I'd be happy with that too... lol

  6. Love the colours you've chosen for your quilt, and it's nice to know I wasn't the only one inside quilting whilst everyone else seemed to be basking in the heat over the weekend!

  7. I'm very impressed you did all the cutting first. I'm too impatient to do that. I draw lines too.
    I look forward to seeing the finished quilt.

  8. Love love love how the quilt is coming along! Pretty blue roses :-)

  9. We've been consistently in the 90s, even 100s, here for weeks. So very thankful for AC, because I'm a coastal, rainy girl.

    As for your blocks - gorgeous! And you really need to get yourself an Angler 2. Saves drawing all those lines but without the inaccuracy of eyeballing, which never ever works for me either.

    And I love that blue roses fabric too.

  10. Am loving your Swedish inspired quilt, what wonderful colour combinations ~ Stay cool ~ Sarah x

  11. I really like those blocks you made! The quilt is going to be lovely!!

  12. Oh love those blues and yellows together. It is going to be a fabulous quilt.

  13. I agree: the blue roses fabric is just gorgeous!


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