
Wednesday 24 July 2013

Surprise Scrappy WIP Quilt :)

Feeling the heat in London today but also feeling the love after the birth of Prince George - hearty congratulations to all :)

So I went a looking in my stash tonight and came across this fat quarter (which I've had for ages and can't even remember where I purchased it!) 

I decided to make a quilt out of it combined with some scrappy charm squares and whatever else takes my fancy. 

I cut and sewed a bit tonight in my sewing room (loft) after the sun went down but it's so muggy up there, I've given up ... but here's where I'm up to:

It really is a surprise quilt:

1) I didn't know I was going to make it until 830pm tonight
2) I have no pattern or finished size in mind
3) I don't know who I'm making it for

Note to self: if you are going to leave your FW blocks on the floor, don't be surprised to turn around and find Nell playing with them!

Linking up with Lee @ Freshly Pieced - WIP Wednesday 


  1. Ooh your farmer's wife blocks are so awesome. What size are you making? I'm working on one also but I think mine will be lap size as I don't want to do the ones with templates. Your other quilt is lovely as well.

  2. That fat quarter fabric is gorgeous! Missing my sewing machine :( Two nights at home between trips to see rellies and holiday, and my sewing room is like an oven in this hot weather. *sigh*....

  3. Nothing like a little free sew time to get the juices flowing. Looks great. Nell approved:)

  4. I think plan as you go quilts are my favorite ones to work on. You don't have to worry about following directions because there are none and the outcome is a surprise!

  5. It very nice when you go through your stash and find something you'd forgotten about. It's said Creativity comes from need, bit falso from improvisation.

  6. Sounds intriguing, I look forward to seeing the finished quilt

  7. Love random quilts where you don't know where you are going. It's like a palate cleanse. Question of the day, do the Royals have last names? Just wondering..

  8. Loving the cat cameo! Someone was feeling cheeky...

  9. Love your kitty! I need a quilting buddy like that.

    Can't wait to see what comes of your surprise wip.

  10. Creativity does not have to have a reason ( or someone who you are making the quilt for )! Just let it flow!!! ;-)
    esthersipatchandquilt at yahoo dot com
    ipatchandquilt dot wordpress dot com

  11. Perhaps the cat ought to have the surprise quilt to keep her off the wips?!?


I love reading all your comments, I know it takes time to write them but they make me smile so thank you for dropping by :)