
Saturday 31 August 2013

I did tidy up!!

Fellow quilters, you make me smile!  Your humourous responses to my last post definitely confirmed we all make a mess when sewing and that I really shouldn't worry :)

I did tidy up though - you saw the 'befores' and here are the 'afters':

And so today, I could make a new mess! I made two more Pants Bags (for my cousins in Germany), a cushion for my sewing room and I started a new lap quilt. 

The Pants Bags were made out of my scraps and stash so I never quite know what design they'll end up as until I put the fabric piles together. These are #4 and #5 ... just two more to make before my Mutter goes to Germany next month:

And this little cushion was made for me from the leftovers of Aunty Ruth's layer cake quilt:

Please pardon the fugly chair - it's vintage Lloyd Loom :)

I'll post more about my new lap quilt later but here is the fabric I've chosen for it:

That's enough for one day. You can tell the evenings are drawing in - I covered  my legs with my lap quilt and look who joined me a minute later! I can count on both hands how many times in 3 years this little rescue cat has sat on my lap. Thank you, Nell - each time is precious:

Hope you're having a wonderful weekend.


  1. You clean up nicely. You really rocked the projects today. I'm still cleaning up, but I keep sneaking on here and the sewing machine. Your pants bags are always beautiful and creative.
    I love that you made a pillow out of the same fabric as your aunt's quilt. I love reminders of the people we love. You made something for yourself. YEAH YOU!!

  2. Well done on the clean up :) Your bee strip arrived today which was some unexpected excitement!! My daughter was very impressed especially with the watery (I don't know how to describe it!) purple fabric. Do you know what it is, I might have to get some. Your cat is so lovely...mine is the same....when we first had her she used to sit on us, but Maybe in the winter, *sigh*!

  3. Your sewing room is pristine! Well done you :D
    Am too horrified to post pics of mine, but I might just so you can see how messy it is. Pants bags are lovely! Come and tidy my room. please.....

  4. :-) beautiful. Mines still a dogs breakfast!

  5. You found the cat! And I laughed so hard over your "fugly" chair. Every home should have one. Well done on the clean sewing room. You were brave just showing us the mess. I haven't gotten that fearless just yet.

    As for your projects - lovely, all around, especially your fabric choices for your new lap quilt. Can't wait to see it.

  6. Your study looks great both tidy and untidy. Love your fabric convinations!

  7. What a fun, cozy place to sew! It looks like you got a lot accomplished.

  8. So pretty! I love, love, love your room. The kitty-corner chest is great.

  9. Very tidy :-) Do you make pants bags in your sleep???

  10. I love your creative space even the fugly chair. But especially the kitty.
    xo jan

  11. Your work space is sew clean! I started to clean up my loft, and did one no, two big totes (plastic boxes) worth, then got totally sidetracked. You are an inspiration. I will get back to it. A clean space is very worthwhile, so much more fun to sew in. I hung a quilt exhibit at our local credit union today, with 2 friends and lots of lovely quilts. Wish you could see it. Happy Sewing.


I love reading all your comments, I know it takes time to write them but they make me smile so thank you for dropping by :)