
Saturday 26 October 2013

3 finishes, a WIP and a new start ...

Happy weekend!

Why stop at one teddy bear baby quilt when you can make another? Having made the blue one for baby Matthew, last weekend I started on a pink one from these fabrics:

This was made for Jacki; our families lived next door to each other in Skelmersdale, Lancashire in the 1970s. We were very close back then, we'd go off on camping holidays a couple of times a year, our Mums and Dads were great friends and Jacki's sister Mandy was my first best mate! We were also part of a dance troup trained by my Mum and their Mum, Aunty Brenda. Here we all are in (I think) 1973/4. That's me in the bottom row (with the end of my arrow on Mandy and Jacki in the centre with the end of her arrow on my older sister, Debbi):

When I was aged 7, our family moved to Wales and we still met up for camping holidays and visited for a few years but, sadly, over time we lost touch :( until the end of last year when, out of the blue, Aunty Brenda rang my Mum and through Facebook, I'm back in contact with Mandy and Jacki ... got to love social networks, hey?

So here's the quilt I made this week for Jacki, she's thrilled with it:

Love making these teddy bear quilts - I could seriously make baby quilts all day long, couldn't you? My other two finishes are the Christmas Tree mug rug for Pam at work. Made from scraps and a penguin fat quarter, I free motion quilted some stars and loops and straight line appliqued the Christmas tree, star and tinsel. It really didn't take very long to do. I even hand sewed the back of the binding but then, that is my favourite part of quilting:

The binding fabric for both of these came from my little binding basket. This is where all my leftovers go until I reuse them:

And the advent calendar made out of a Makower Christmas panel. This was a fun project to sew - the instructions were very clear (half the battle when doing anything for the first time) and this one's actually for us! I have two more to make which I'll be gifting to friends with children:

My WIP is a Moda charm square lap quilt for my deputy at work, who's going to be off sick for a few weeks :( started on Wednesday, here's where I'm up to:

And this weekend, I'm starting on my niece's table runner and mats from this bundle of gorgeousness:

LOVE LOVE LOVE my hobby! What are you up to this week? I'll pop over and take a look as well as drooling overall the beautiful things shared at Amanda Jean's Finish it up Friday and Sarah's Confessions of a Fabric Addict:


  1. Wow, you have been busy! I spent the week recovering from my son's wedding. I did manage to get my next project cut out. Very pretty stuff you have made!

  2. I think I might like this bear quilt even better than the first! I agree that baby quilts are fun to make. They're a nice size to work.on. All those projects look like lots of fun to make!

  3. I am amazed at how many beautiful projects you can accomplish, all while holding down a full time job. You must wave that magic wand and get the munchkins to do all your housework! Love that sweet pink teddy bear quilt and the backing looks so soft and cuddly! Your charm quilt is coming along nicely! Great job on your Christmas projects as well. There are now only 59 days left to go!

  4. How fun that you are back in touch. Social media is rather amazing

  5. Those teddy bears are just gorgeous!

  6. I agree with you, I could make baby quilts all day too! Love the idea of a binding basket, I think I shall get one :-)

  7. You have the luckiest friends! What a cute baby quilt. I haven't made many baby quilts, but I'm weird that way. I like toddler/lap sized ones for bigger kids.

    LOVE your advent!

  8. What size do you make your baby quilts? I'm always afraid they are too small or too big. I agree with Nina, I think I like the pink even better. But, I do like girly quiits... Wow, how do you find the time, girl. All of these projects are beautiful.
    You should enter this in the blogger's quilt festival over at Amy's creative side.

  9. Love the new banner on your blog. You have been computer working along with all that quilting. Good for you!

  10. So fun to find friends from the past! Love your pink teddy - he's cute! You amaze me with all of your projects and finishes!! Have a good week Jen!

  11. Hey, I just noticed you have new pictures at the top of your blog! Nice job!


I love reading all your comments, I know it takes time to write them but they make me smile so thank you for dropping by :)