
Tuesday 15 October 2013

Baby Quilt quick finish ... meet Ted!

I started making this little baby boy pram / crib quilt for Laura (a friend at work) on Saturday afternoon and finished it (late) on Sunday evening - I'm well chuffed!! Isn't he a cutie:

All the fabric was from my stash, except for the baby fabric fat quarter. I do like Makower Spraytime fabrics, I think they're my favourite 'blender' and this orange was just perfect for the quilt and binding. I think my tortoise-slow hand stitching the back of the binding probably was the longest part of the quilt making but I LOVE the whole process of making and attaching the binding, do you?

The backing fabric is fleeced and was thick enough, I thought, so I didn't add any extra wadding / batting and it FMQ'd like a dream  - with one bobbin and in less than an hour ... I know!!! (Doing a little happy dance!)

His cute little eyes and nose were made using a cotton reel as a template and appliqued with a small zig-zag stitch:
The pattern is from this book by Pam and Nicky Lintott of The Quilt Room - I have used this book before and find their patterns really easy to follow:

I can't remember where I read this tip (might have been Carla or Julie?) but instead of just discarding the cut off triangle bits, I sewed another 1/4" seam at the same time so no wastage and 26 little HSTs for another project ... yay!

Although it was meant to be made using a jelly roll, I upped the sizing a little bit as I only wanted to make one teddy bear, not 4 as the pattern called for. But I might just make it with 4 in the future if I wanted a larger quilt.

I am so looking forward to giving this to Laura and baby Matthew - she doesn't know I've made it so it will be a lovely surprise. Linking up with Quilt Story - Fabric Tuesday :)

Fresh Poppy Design


  1. Fabby and amazing, as usual! Love the wee bow tie, and excellent colours, v gender neutral. Well impressed :D Will have to look into that book too...

  2. Oh for goodness sake, that is too cute for words! Lucky baby :-)

  3. Wow! He's one lucky baby! And you are one speedy lady!! Love the fleece backing too :-)

  4. What an adorable baby quilt. :D (I use that method too, getting the extra cut-offs of HSTs. One day I'm going to have a lot of fun with the growing collection!)

  5. You sure made short work of that sweet bear! I love his bow tie. Excellent choice of binding. But I must say, although I too love to make and apply the binding.... I really like to machine finish! Glad to see you have made good use of your leftovers. We'll be seeing them again later, I'm sure!

  6. Such a cute quilt - I'm sure the baby's mom will love it!

  7. That sounds like the fastest quilt ever! Way to go

  8. Holy smokes that's a cutie! What a good idea making it bigger - you are so good at making a pattern your own. I love putting flannel on the back of baby quilts - makes them so much more cuddly. Another well done, quick project!!

  9. Oh, I love the fleece back. That is a wonderful idea for a baby quilt. Your bear is so cute.


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