
Wednesday 29 January 2014

Positive ponderings on all parts of the process ...

Now I know my 'soldier's quilt' is going to a US serviceman, I'm working on it with renewed energy! Thanks again to Jennie @ Porch Swing Quilts for reading my post :) 

I've nearly finished the second four rows and thought it would be nice to share with you some of the process with some photos.

So, we start by making 36 half squared triangles (made from 72 x 6.5" squares):

I like to press before cutting: 

Then, trim down to 5.5":

Add 12 x 5.5" white squares and you're ready to sew them all together. Keep your pattern close by, then you won't sew the squares the wrong way around ... apparently! Come here, little seam ripper:

Then you have your four rows ready to sew into your blocks:

I have pressed all the seams open and like to press the 'joint' first - seems to make it easier when you then run the iron along the rest of the line:

And voila, here's another block:

I love ALL these stages! Seriously, I do ... they're all important parts of the process which lead to the wondrous finish - c'mon, what's not to love?!

Linking up with Lee @ Freshly Pieced and Lorna @ Sew Fresh Quilts:

Sew Fresh Quilts


  1. Ha! Isn't it funny that sometimes the actual block unit isn't what you think it is going to be. I'm glad you found someone to give your quilt to!

  2. What an awesome block! I always press my seams open, blocks just seem to lye flatter.

  3. Your finish block is fabulous! Great job.

  4. That's a really cool and graphic block! I'm sure your recipient will be delighted :-)

  5. Very cool block and great pictures of the work in progress. This quilt will be a great gift to a deserving soldier.
    I've been pressing my seams open lately and really like how flat everything lays that way.

  6. That is a cool block. Thanks for showing us the process. Ironing the squares before cutting in half is a great idea.

  7. Bother, everyone else already said exactly what I was thinking - what a cool block!

  8. I love your block, it's so vibrant and keeps the eye moving ! I'm a recent convert to pressing open, it really does seem to make things easier. Can't agree on loving the trimming stage though……I really don't like that bit of the process at all!

  9. Thank you, Jennie for passing along the info to enable you to send your quilt to a serviceman to show your support. And thank you, Jennifer for sharing your process. I agree, knowing who the quilt is for, makes it all that more a pleasure to work on. Looking forward to seeing the big finish!

  10. Intriguing - I'll be back as I make VA quilts and always looking for patterns. Thanks for sharing.

  11. THANK YOU!!!
    Big Hug!!!

  12. I like your bold and modern yet traditional quilt blocks. The block has dynamic movement, and the almost solids work well. I like putting the cut pieces up onto the design board the best. And the last seam, that one's pretty great too.


I love reading all your comments, I know it takes time to write them but they make me smile so thank you for dropping by :)