
Wednesday 12 March 2014

Everything but sewing!

That's how things are around here at the moment! We're busy selling our house - decluttering, organising and reorganising, cleaning and staging which leaves no very little time for sewing. But it's all done - had our first viewers today and have 5 more bookings between Thursday and Sunday so, with any luck, it'll be easy going from now on :)

What I have managed to get done is a couple of Pants Bags (love 'em!) - one for a girl and one for a boy. First up:

And the back:

And this one's for my brother in law whose having his fifty something birthday this week (and is one of the few family members not to own one):

He is a huge fan of Paisley fabric and 'proper hankies' so I made him one of them too!

And only fitting, as I'm linking up with the lovely Lorna, that I share with you the sweet gift I received from her in the post ... all the way from Canada to the UK (naughty Lorna!):

Isn't it just the cutest? Love the design, love the quilting, love the ruler ... Just LOVE it! Thank you, Lorna xx - now you're always in my quilting room (which is more than I am!!) 

Linking up with Lorna:

Fresh Poppy Design


  1. Hi Jen!
    Are you moving away?
    I hope you send me your new adress so that I´ll now where to find you;-)
    Love your girl pants bag!!!
    And such a lovely gift from your friend!
    Take care!

  2. Wow, you are busy. Selling a house is a lot of work. Love your pants bags. Are you buying a new house?

  3. Great paisley pants bag!! I didn't know you were selling your house, sounds stressful! Where are you thinking of moving to?

  4. Ha, ha! Just remember to take me with you when you move! Glad you like the wall hanging, my friend! Your pants bags are both very sweet and the hanky is great! I love paisley too!

  5. I have posted my pants bags for you to see. You are so great at those. I understand the pains of staging and selling, but with any luck you will sell fast and then....what? I'll need a new addy. I really have something in the works...

  6. Great masculine pants bag! Will there still be a house for our get-together?!? So looking forward to seeing you.

  7. Good luck with everything going on. Glad you could make a little time for sewing.

  8. Gosh, that's exciting (or stressful?) Where are you moving too?

  9. Love those pants bags! Didn't know you were moving house, I hope all goes can only hope!

  10. Pretty pants bag!
    I hope we don't get in the way if you have any viewings during our get together, I'm sure we could all hide in the garden!
    I can't believe it's only two weeks away.

  11. Packing and cleaning and moving! Oh my!! You need some good witch magic in a big way. I can't believe you will be giving up the adorable pink loft sewing room. Best of luck with all of it. If I lived closer I'd come help you out!

  12. Hallo! You've been busy :) Good luck with the sale/move, hope you have loads of sewing space in your new house. Have just come out of hibernation myself, looking forward to firing up the sewing machine again :) K xx


I love reading all your comments, I know it takes time to write them but they make me smile so thank you for dropping by :)