
Wednesday 16 April 2014

If you can't sew ... shopping helps :)

So my dislocated shoulder / broken arm is healing well and I'm recuperating away from home to give DH a break! Last week, I spent a few days in Wales with my dear Aunty G and this week, my fabby Mum (in law) is looking after me in Chester. Next week, Mutter (my Mum) comes back with us to London for a week ... hey, you're never too old to be looked after :)

Today I went for a walk. The LQS is Liberty Bell - a cute little shop in the city centre - is only about a 3/4 mile walk but I was sooooooooo nervous! I carefully placed every step, looking down to make sure there were no trip hazards, quite scared I may take another tumble ... yikes, I hope I get over this quickly :(

Still, it was worth it! I spent ages in there oohing and ahing, touching and dreaming about when I may get to sew again. Soon, I hope :)

Here are my purchases (mostly by Moda, I think):

I am short of purples in my stash - these are so pretty: 

I shall pop by and see what gorgeousness you've all been up to. Linking up:

Sew Fresh Quilts

Fresh Poppy Design


  1. I agree - never too old to be taken care of! Nice that you are getting better with each passing day and yes, shopping does help as does dreaming about the next project. The purple fabrics that you picked are really pretty!! Continue on to the road to recovery Jen.

  2. I soooo love Liberty Bell!! Every time I go I spend a fortune!

  3. Fabric shopping, good for what ails ye. I like to call it retail therapy. ;) Glad to hear you're doing better!

  4. Such beautiful additions, and purple is my favorite color. Glad to hear you are doing a little better and enjoying time with family.

  5. Sew glad you are healing up! Sounds like you are enjoying your visiting and shopping. Even if your shoulder/arm are feeling better, I can only imagine the pain of not being able to be sewing. You are sew right to try to soothe yourself with a stash addition!

  6. You go girl! Glad you can still have some quilty fun. Little frustrated though, as we drove past Chester at the weekend... I've always wanted to go there and never managed it! In the end though, we wanted to get home after a week away. Hope you are being very well looked after x

  7. I wish I had read this earlier...
    Take care, dear Jen!

  8. Great to hear you're healing and getting out and about.
    I'm sure those fabric purchases cheered you up.

  9. Yes, you must be careful while out walking. I'm so happy you are able to shop a little and are getting some good care from your loved ones. Relax and heal and shop. That sounds perfect until you are better.

  10. before you know it you'll be good as new, in the mean time, slow and easy does it! Glad you're feeling better and have loved ones around to help complete the process. And hey a trip to the LQS always makes things feel a bit better doesn't it! Take care.

  11. It sounds like you are getting better every day! Before you know it your fabric stash will be full and you will be ready to quilt again! Take care. :) -Brittany

  12. heal carefully -- those are some wonderful additions to your stash.

  13. That was one of the best parts about having babies: my mom coming to take care of me. I hope you're healing well. There are definite healing properties to retail therapy. Love those purples!

  14. Fun fabrics!

    I don't blame you for being so cautious! Your injury is horrible!

  15. So glad you are are being looked after and that you are healing well! It might take a bit to get over that cautiousness in your step. . . but you will :) Retail therapy is the best medicine!! :D


I love reading all your comments, I know it takes time to write them but they make me smile so thank you for dropping by :)