
Friday 6 June 2014

bags ... bags ... bags!

I promise to stop banging on about my recovering from a broken arm eventually soon but what I love about this hobby is if you can't make big quilts or don't have the time or energy for making them, you can make little things. And I don't know about you but I get just as much pleasure (and more quickly!) from finishing these.

It was DH's birthday this week. Let me tell you - he is not a big spender ('just as well married to you,' I hear you shout!) and never asks for anything. I struggle most years to get him anything 'special enough' as he's completely happy with a book, a CD or a shirt.

Because he was sooooooo wonderful looking after the injured patient that I was, I treated him to an iPad. So I just had to make him a little bag to go with it:

Also this week, my friend, the golfer, who took me out shopping when I was off sick, collected her Pants Bag and an iPad case (well, there were scraps left over that I wouldn't have used for anyone else):

I've made a  few of these iPad cases now (could also be used as make-up bags?) from this tutorial. I can't wait until my Quilt Bee ladies come and visit at the end of the month to show me how to do a fancy zip. At the moment, I just sew mine - same size - onto the fabric - works perfectly well but looks a bit ''unfinished':

And I finished a carrier bag holder for my niece from this tutorial in the Moda Bake Shop:

They all loved their gifts. And they each took just an hour (or two in the case of the Pants Bag) to make. I am so happy! What quilty stuff has put a smile on your face this week?

Linking up with Amanda Jean @ Crazy Mom Quilts and Sarah @ Confessions of a Fabric Addict.


  1. Wowzers woman you've been busy!! Love your iPad case, and I'm sure hubby did too!

    ~ Jess ~
    Everything Is Coming Up Rosie

  2. Awesome bags. I am sure they will be much appreciated. I need to make one of those bag dispensers.

  3. Your bag dispensers are such a good idea. I need to make things for a charity coffee morning later in the year. These would be ideal. Thanks for the inspiration :-)

  4. Okay, stop making the rest of us look lazy by being so amazing with what you can sew while you have a broken arm! ;o)
    Seriously, love those pressies you've been stitching. So fun!

  5. Oh, will have to look out that pattern for a bag dispenser! Your hubby sounds so like mine... Dan never buys anything, he will only buy clothes in the Gap outlet whenever we go to America, which is about once in three years or so... This trip, he bought four pairs of trousers, so that's him sorted for the next few years!

  6. I'm looking forward to learning how to do a fancy zip too.
    Pete would be naked if I didn't buy him clothes!

  7. You finished a lot of projects. Very nice stuff! And is that bag holder hanging in your backyard? It looks like a lovely place!

  8. My goodness you are so productive! I hope you are taking care of that shoulder of yours! Not sure my zips are any 'fancier' than yours?? We shall all have to compare notes! This time in 2 week...ekk!!!!!

  9. I love small projects, too. =) Yours are perfectly wonderful!!

  10. We may start calling you the bag lady. But in this case it is a GOOD thing. I'm off to check a tutorial you shared. Happy Day, my friend. Great bags for all you loves.

  11. I love sewing the little things too. Once I bind the two quilts I finished, I'm focusing on smallish projects for the summer. Well, some piecing, but I'm trying to stick to the small stuff.

    Your projects are so pretty! Love them all. Wish my husband wasn't so difficult to shop for - t-shirts and books just aren't special enough, but all the big-ticket items I know he'd love, he really needs to choose for himself because I'd flub it up something fierce!


I love reading all your comments, I know it takes time to write them but they make me smile so thank you for dropping by :)