
Wednesday 29 April 2015

Loving my hobby :)

Thank goodness for an understanding husband - who gets me. The last few weekends, I have been a demon quilter and have spent hours and hours in my sewing room. He hasn't complained once. He helps me choose fabrics. He helps me baste quilts. He holds up quilts whilst I take their pictures. Love him x

And tonight, he helped me pick the winner of my birthday giveaway:

Congratulations commenter #9 Shauna @ lovinquiltin ... I shall be in touch soon about your prizes :)

Here's a few photos of what I worked on over the weekend:

Can't wait to get home tomorrow and start working on my next project - thank you all for sharing your great ideas and for your lovely birthday wishes ... I don't know yet which pattern to go with. But I'm looking forward to cutting into these: 

Linking up with Lorna @ Sew Fresh Quilts

Sew Fresh Quilts


  1. It's so wonderful to have a partner to share all the wonders of life. Especially the kind that like our quilting infatuation. Love this great hobby and your picture of the fire with the quilt... so smart and so comfy. Happy late birthday, again. Someday we will be retired and I will be able to remember those important dates....
    Yeah for Thursday and return to quilt heaven...

  2. Mine supports me too! Aren't we blessed. Fun sewing you did

  3. Love the glimpse of all your projects. And what a sweet "Mr. Random." I love hearing about how much he supports you. :)

  4. I am thankful my hubby supports my love of quilting, too. We are very blessed!! Some ladies that come into the shop talk about how they have to hide fabric from their husbands. =(

  5. What lovely projects, and it sure looks like you've been one busy gal! Your Hubby reminds me so much of mine... :-) Mr. Rosie convinced me two weeks ago to buy a new machine... Lol! Gotta love the over-supportive Hubbies :D

    ~ Jess ~
    Everything Is Coming Up Rosie

  6. Well done hubby, lucky winner!

  7. It's so lovely having a supportive partner, mine doesn't really have a clue about the process he just knows I disappear for hours on end and then is really bowled over when I show him "stuff"!!!

  8. How exciting!! I won!! Great job in picking my number Jen's Hubby!! I've been in such a slump lately with my sewing that after seeing all your posts, finishes and works in progress, it has spurred me on to get in my quilting room, Jen.


I love reading all your comments, I know it takes time to write them but they make me smile so thank you for dropping by :)