
Saturday 30 January 2016

Who stole January?!

I know they say 'time flies' ... but, seriously, where did January go??? It doesn't seem like 5 minutes since we were bringing in the New Year and all my good intentions to tidy up my blog, bring it up to date and post regularly have crashed :(

Oh well, I'm here today! And I have a baby quilt to share. I finished this last night but, as I'm sure is the same for many of you (except for quilters 'down under' or those living in equally more exotic climates than the UK), trying to get decent photos of quilts is very difficult at this time of the year:

This is for my colleague's 2 year old daughter, Isla - her beautiful name and information from her Daddy that she is a girly babba inspired me to design a simple 'named quilt':

All fabrics were pulled from my fabric stash and it soon started to come together:

I was a little nervous about 'doing random' so I did audition a few variations along the way. Using just stash meant I had to be careful not to run out of certain fabrics in the different sections:

It really was a lovely little quilt to work on and my excessive pinning (doesn't everyone pin this much?!) gave me some lovely seams:

Free motion quilting / stippling (my favourite) was an obvious choice and took me just over an hour yesterday afternoon:

And here she is this morning - all ready to go to work with me on Monday, labelled and bound:

And the back - plain but using a fabric from the front:

I love my hobby, I love making quilts, I love to make people smile ... here's to making more beautiful things in 2016. 

Linking up with Amanda Jean @ Crazy Mom Quilts and Sarah @ Confessions of a Fabric Addict. 


  1. Cheers, my dear. Very sweet designed quilt. She will love this one for many, many years. You always have love to give and it shows in your gorgeous quilts. Here's to many more in 2016!

  2. So lovely, I'm with you about enjoyment in the creating and passing on - what a delight: colours, design and stippling, great.

  3. Very sweet. Love the springy colours!

  4. So cute! You did a wonderful job designing and making Isla's quilt. I'm sure she'll love it. January has flown by here too - literally. We flew to San Diego, California, and a week later flew to San Antonio, Texas for another week. I can't wait to get back to some quilting. I have a couple of birthday gifts to make.

  5. It is hard taking pictures this time of year, but you did a great job. Isla is sure to love this sweet quilt.

  6. Gorgeous quilt, I'm sure it will be treasured for many years. Yes, January has surely flown by, looking forward to longer, lighter days. Like you had hoped to get my blog back on track but been busy decluttering the house, arranging and rearranging my craft stuff! 🙂

  7. Lovely quilt! As always you do such a lovely job. I also wrote on my blog that I wasn't sure where January went!

  8. Isla's quilt turned out to be such a sweet and cozy looking beauty, Jennifer. I adore the design you came up with. You are so talented!


I love reading all your comments, I know it takes time to write them but they make me smile so thank you for dropping by :)