
Friday 22 April 2016

Can't help but play with fabric scraps :D

Since pulling all the blue and grey scraps out for my Siblings Together quilt, I cannot seem to stop touching my fabric scraps! What's strange is the more I use up, the more I seem to make! 

Today, I have made a few gifts all from scraps. Firstly, I look at the fabric colours and sizes and that helps me to decide on a design / object. Also I find great inspiration from the Internet and other quilters. This block was inspired by Cathy's quilt:

All made from pink scraps and white leftover binding strips. I needed a new iPad cover and now I have one:

It's my birthday tomorrow (and St George's Day) and also my friend Kate's on Monday so I decided to make some gifts for Kate and as a giveaway! I raided the red bucket and made an open wide zipped pouch (great tutorial by @Noodlehead):

The large glass of bubbles was for scale but did get drunk eventually! Then I made a Pants Bag (so called because when I travel, I don't like putting my drawers in other people's drawers so I can just keep my pants in a bag hanging up!):

And here they all are together with a tissue holder I made too:

Would you like the Pants Bag or the open wide zipped pouch and tissue holder? Leave me a comment saying which (giveaway open for 24 hours only) and I shall then pick a winner. I will also offer this on my Instagram account tomorrow and will announce the winner on Sunday. 

As I was tidying up, I just couldn't but help touch some more scraps and quickly made these two log cabin blocks in no time - not sure what to do with them yet:

Have a great weekend - I know I will!

Linking up to Amanda Jean @ Crazy Mom Quilts and Sarah @ Confessions of a Fabric Addict 


  1. Great work, Glinda!! Thanks for this generous giveaway. Would love the zippered pouch should I be the lucky one chosen!

  2. I tried but I honestly can't choose my favourite! I'd love to win either. Happy Birthday :) X

  3. They are all such gorgeous items. You make scraps look wonderful! I hope you have a fantastic birthday!!

  4. Super work, very productive (and practical!) Have a super birthday!

  5. Look at all that lovely loveliness!! Your scraps are so happy!

  6. Happy Birthday!!! Your scrap projects are adorable.

  7. I just found you on Crazy Mom Quilts and was reading random posts of yours. I LOVE that you put pink scraps into a birdcage. What a GREAT idea for being able to see your scraps but display them in a cute way. Genious! :)


I love reading all your comments, I know it takes time to write them but they make me smile so thank you for dropping by :)