
Saturday 3 September 2016

The joy of quilting and giving :)

I have three quilts to share with you today - all finished in the past few weeks and one finished on Monday. I have been neglecting my blog (again) in favour of Instagram ... which is a shame and something I need to think about. 

I started making this quilt at the end of 2013/beginning of 2014. Inspired by the Help for Heroes colours, I had always intended it go to a serviceman and my friend Jennie @porchswingquilts had someone in mind for me in the USA. A simple design of 5.5" squares and half square triangles, it came together really well:

And then I broke my shoulder (ouch!) and it had to be put to one side. Fast forward 2+ years and I finally finished it:

With Jennie's blessing, this week the quilt arrived safely in Dallas and thanks to Lee @dallasmqg it will be given to a child of one of the police officers killed in July's shootings. 

Another safe arrival - this time in Maryland - is the wedding quilt I have made for my cousin Kenny who is marrying the lovely Kelly in 2 weeks time. Kenny's grandmother (my great-aunt) was a quilter and when we last visited USA in 2011, his Mom gifted me all of my great-aunt's fabric stash which I have made several quilts out of for the female family members. So, I just had to make Kenny and Kelly a quilt out of it too:

Hidden stars is a pattern in this book by Pam and Nicky Lintott, it came together like a dream. I added the white rose fabric and a couple of 'civil war' fat quarters but, in the main, all the fabric as from my great-aunt:

I even found a piece she had drawn on in blue biro:

How lovely that her grandson and his new wife will be able to cuddle under this quilt. And a first for me - I made an embroidered label:

And finally (phew, it's been a busy Summer!), remember the Chernobyl Children's Lifeline charity I supported at the beginning of the Summer, where we made the children a bag and mat (I will blog about this again!), I wanted to raise funds towards a day trip for when the children were over here. Look at their happy faces on of their trips out:

So I ran a 'guess the hours taken to make this quilt' competition at work. I raised £200 and the winner got to design a bespoke quilt with me. Tony asked for a vintage fabric inspired quilt for his little daughter. He and his wife chose the fabric - Lecien Flower Sugar and I bought 8 fat quarters and some white yardage:

I bought a Flying Geese bloc-loc ruler at the Festival of Quilts which helped me enormously when making the border:

I asked them for the words they would like on the label and tried my hand at embroidery again:

Here she is all pretty and finished:

I do love my hobby - I love making quilts but I love giving them away even more. Three quilts - 3 different patterns and fabrics, 3 different stories, 3 different recipients but all made with love and all, I am sure, will be loved.

Linking up with Amanda Jean (welcome back!) @crazymomquilts and Sarah @confessionsofafabricaddict


  1. Thank you for blessing so many others!

  2. Thank you for blessing so many others!

  3. They will love and cherish their quilts. =)

  4. What a great selection of finished quilts! All so different from each other, but clearly all made with great love. It's really neat that you could use your great-aunt's fabric; that makes it an extra special gift.

    I agree with you that giving quilts away is one of the very best parts of making them!

  5. All three of these quilts are darling and look like they are made with love. I especially love the hidden star quilt.


I love reading all your comments, I know it takes time to write them but they make me smile so thank you for dropping by :)