
Friday 2 December 2016

The joy of giving ...

I finished this quilt a couple of weeks ago and it arrived safely in Florida on Tuesday ... phew! I started it back in March but, for various reasons, I just didn't get around to finishing it for 8 months which isn't like me. I think it might have been because I wasn't working to a deadline ... the quilt was for hubby's darling cousin but it wasn't for a birthday, a wedding or a specific fixed date.

Looking back ... I might have also been a little busy making lots of other gifts too ...

I started making the blocks:

And then it was nephew's 21st:

There was a baby quilt:

Then a couple of Siblings Together charity quilts needed making:

And this very special quilt which went to Dallas (Quilts for Peace): 

I kept coming back to it:

Then came the Chernobyl Children's Lifeline raffle prize quilt: 

And finally the wedding quilt: 

And let's not even mention all the Pants Bags, cushions, tissue holders, zipped pouches, table mats that I have made and gifted since March ... oh, and the Siblings Together Quilting Bee and my other Bee and 3 other WIP quilts ... 

But finish it I finally did:

And these photos this week of cousin Natasha, as well as a beautiful message, cuddling her quilt make me so happy that I finally did finish it. Better late than never, hey? Look at that adorable face ... 

Linking up with Amanda Jean @ Crazy Mom Quilts and Sarah @ Confessions of a Fabric Addict 


  1. Definitely one or two things got in the way. What a fab year of creating. I really should keep track of my makes. A post like this is good to help remind us of exactly how much we make, as we tend to focus on what we haven't done yet. So good to get a thank you photo from her too -makes you feel appreciated

    1. Thanks Diane - yes just one or two! I encourage you to keep track - so easy to forget what you've achieved :)

  2. "Cousin Cuddles" is a beautiful quilt! Isn't it wonderful to get a photo showing your quilt being held and loved? That's just the best thanks :)

  3. Oh that is a beautiful quilt, I love those fabrics and colours! Well worth the wait!

  4. What a beautiful finish in a busy year. I love the name too.

  5. Wow, it is a beautiful quilt, love the colours and the pattern. Your hubby's cousin looks delighted with it! You've been very busy this year making lots of lovely quilts.


I love reading all your comments, I know it takes time to write them but they make me smile so thank you for dropping by :)