
Tuesday 18 June 2013

Playing with fabric :)

Slowly but surely, I'm moving my supplies back into the loft / sewing room. I could leave it until the weekend but I'm hoping to do a little bit after work each night so that I can spend ALL day Saturday sewing :D

Thank you from me and DH for all the lovely comments you left about our decorating efforts - the pink Annie Sloane 'accents' were a hit with you too!

So, tonight I moved all my fabric back - I was up and down the ladder 6-7 times ... erm, there is quite a bit of it! I know I don't have the largest stash (go and Google 'large fabric stash' and look at the images of some very very large stashes!) but I was quite flabbergasted to see it all piled up:

And shame, there was even some I had forgotten about which I really need to use up:

Everything over 1/2 yard went back into the hanging baskets (wrapped around comic boards) and my fat quarters went back onto the cd shelf:

So far, it's all looking good up there. I'm not allowing myself any new purchases (fabric, storage or furniture) until it's all unpacked and I can assess what I need (not what I want!) Tricky ... very tricky :)

Best I get creating sooooooooooon!!

Linking up:
Fresh Poppy Design
Better Off Thread


  1. Wow - good stash! And those hanging baskets are great, where are they from? :-)

  2. You are so organized! Can you come over and organize mine? :) I love the pink..... never got around to commenting on the previous post. Everyting is looking so fresh and clean and new!

  3. Wow - you have made great progress and it's looking great especially the 'pink' you put in for a punch!! What a transformation! You have a nice little stash and I really like how you are storing it. Great ideas that I might have to poach. I am particularly liking that little fashion fabric with the Eiffel tower - super cute!

  4. Such gorgeous fabric stash storage! Enjoy your big sewing day.

  5. Oh wow you have a fabulous stash!! And it all looks so pretty and beautiful the way you have displayed it! It's the perfect space, I am so happy for you, and a little bit envious!

  6. That's a much bigger stash than mine! Can we swap?

  7. You are going to have such a lovely, lovely room when it's done! I love how you are organizing it.

    Soon and very soon I am going to have some pink paint to play with, too!!

  8. So sweet. I'm looking at my storage all crammed with fabric and a mess and thinking I'm going to take an afternoon and copy my friend Jen. Looks lovely, my dear.

  9. Congratulations! It's an awesome space to sew such lovely fabric in!

  10. I like your plan to be in by the weekend. Congratulations on your "new" sewing space. Hope you enjoy many creative hours there.

    Cheers Pauline


I love reading all your comments, I know it takes time to write them but they make me smile so thank you for dropping by :)