
Sunday 16 June 2013

Sewing room ... we're getting there :)

DH and I have been hard at it since yesterday morning and all our hard work has paid off ... we have finished decorating the loft / sewing room tonight and I can start moving alll my stuff back up there next week ... yay!!!

He's an absolute star ... as I am writing this, he has just popped out to buy us some chocolate ... well, I reeeeeeeeally needed some:

You'll remember before all the fixing the unsafe roof-building work began, we had to empty the loft and the room looked like this:

And this was where we'd got to when we stopped at 7pm tonight: 

Whilst DH pva glued the new plaster yesterday, I discovered an amazing new painting experience - Annie Sloane's chalk paint ... in pink - of course! My new blanket airer (quilt holder?!) got the treatment first:

Followed by my last year charity shop find cubby hole display unit:

Then a cheap old TV table we'd forgotten we had:

The walls are painted 'apple white' and whilst I had that pink paintbrush in my hand, the door trims got a coat too!

It's amazing stuff - one coat covers all (except the dark brown varnished display unit - it needed two) and so nice to use. DH even gave the inside of the ugly old windows a coat:

Very happy ... very proud of what we've achieved ... oh, and very very tired :)


  1. The room looks great! I bet you can't wait to be back in there sewing up something.

  2. Very nice--now to fill it with hours of joyful quiltmaking!
    Good work!

  3. Looks gorgeous! Well deserved chocolate, I'd say :) Love Annie Sloan's paint too, the colours are amazing. Enjoy playing with all your sewing stuff, I mean, putting away all your sewing stuff.....

  4. Hooray for a job well done! I'm sad not to see the orange/peach/coral on your walls but your white looks lovely, especially with the touch of pink. Thanks for the "review" of Annie Sloan's chalk paint. I've heard of others using it but not read a comment about whether they liked it or not (other than the colors). Did you have to sand and/or prime the cubby hole display before painting? Your skylight gives you lots of gorgeous light. What a great place to work. Well-deserved chocolate, I'd say.

  5. Good work. Mmmm chocolate. Now I'm going to have to get some. *sigh*

  6. Oh how it sings a happy song. It is so pretty and looks like a lovely place to sew the days away. I really love all the pink. Lots of work with a nice pay off of chocolate in the end. Beautiful.

  7. Oh wow lucky you getting all that space to sew! And what a wonderful job you have done so far! I've used that Annie Sloan chalk paint before, it's great isn't it. I love the pink you've chosen, perfect. And what a kind, thoughtful, not to mention helpful husband you have, helping you create your perfect space AND brining you chocolate! Looking forward to seeing the room as it progresses soon :-)

  8. Fabulous work! Your shelf set in pink is gorgeous! Enjoy your space :-)

  9. Pretty please....I want details on exactly what you bought of Annie Sloan's paint to get that pink. Painting my desk in my sewing room is on my list of things to do this summer and I want to use her paint. *batting eyelashes*

  10. Oh, I guess I should say, I LOVE YOUR ROOM!!! Cuz I do....

  11. Oh my gosh, I'd never leave! Such a great idea to paint those accent pieces your favorite color. I'm still trying to convince my darling husband that this would be a good idea!

    Keep it up and you might have visitors to your sewing space, who will NEVER leave! Love the room! Can't wait to see you in there sewing away.

  12. Wow! What a transformation. :D That's a really awesome sewing loft!

  13. Lovely sewing room! Good job with the pink paint, it's looking gorgeous! I'm hopefully moving into my new sewing room soon... Lots of bidding on furniture on eBay at the moment! :)


I love reading all your comments, I know it takes time to write them but they make me smile so thank you for dropping by :)