
Monday 5 May 2014

3-2-1 ... and she's back in the room!!

What broken arm?!

I woke up Saturday and had an overwhelming urge to climb up the ladder to my sewing room and make something. It's been 5 weeks since my accident and, although I am in pain and have a lot of healing still to do, I felt better (and restless!) so thought I'd try my arm out.

Ironing? Not too bad because I could use my left arm. Rotary cutting? Bit more tricky - okay close up but hurt as I stretched to the end of the mat. Sewing? Easy - think how little you move your right arm.

So only one thing for it - make a Pants Bag! Because of the difficulty in rotary cutting, I decided to keep it simple by not cutting up lots of fabric. This is for my friend Maja in Sweden (Majas Paradis) who I said I'd make a Pants Bag for before my accident. She said her favourite colours are: teal turquoise, pink violet and orange - plenty to choose from then! I would have liked to have cut up fabrics from all those colours but, as that wasn't possible, I looked in my stash for a fabric that had most of those colours represented.

It took a big longer than usual but here is Maja's Pants Bag:

And, as I couldn't cut them up I have sent her a tin of scraps of all her favourite colours:

Oh, it's good to be back!


  1. Yeah! It's lovely. Glad to see you are back at it.

  2. So glad you are healing so well and are back in the saddle!! Wonderful first back at it project! :)

  3. There's my girl friend, back in the saddle. lol I knew you would be back at it soon.

  4. Glad to hear the good news!

  5. Yeah! Finishing something always makes me feel better. Glad you could get back up there. Beautiful bag, by the way. :)

  6. It's gorgeous! What great fabric, so pretty.

  7. Great post title!
    So glad you've managed to some sewing. Be careful on that ladder!

  8. Oh, Jen!
    It's lovely!!!
    I told you that I'll be waiting for my parcel, bit now I'm longing!!!
    Thank you, dear friend!
    By the way, did you know that I loooove tins?

    Big hug Maja

  9. What a beautiful gift! You are just the sweetest! Glad to see you are back at it, but do be careful and don't push yourself. We want you to be well!

  10. Whoa, wait, what? Yay you are back! Love the bag. But so happy you are sewing again. It might be good pt. Good for the spirit, anyway!

  11. Just popped in from Maja's blog to admire the lovely gift you sent. Wow, so impressed with all you are able to accomplish with a broken arm. Bet it was nice to get in some sewing! Love that pants bag and those pretty scraps - I know Maja will put them to good use. Take care!


I love reading all your comments, I know it takes time to write them but they make me smile so thank you for dropping by :)