
Wednesday 7 May 2014

Oops ... I did it again!

DH has officially banned me from eBay! I recently posted about by inability to gauge dimensions and how I am 'fooled' by photographs. To be fair, the dimensions for this chest were accurately depicted by the vendor but somehow in their picture:

... it looked bigger than in my picture:

I have got away with it though :) DH was worried it would be too big for our new snug room so is very pleased with my miscalculation on this occasion! And Nell has given it her approval:

So, from now on, I'll stick to what I know. Before Christmas, I took part in a low volume charm swap, receiving 56 x 5" squares. Having taken some advice previously, I decided to go with the green and cut up 32 squares:

I 'designed' a pattern - adding 2 more low volume squares from my stash ('design' sounds rather grand for my amateurish drawings on graph paper!):

And started sewing the 90 squares together:

Think it needs some borders and sashing though or it's going to be a very small quilt ... that's going to take some time - my (broken) arm is just about coping with an hour here and there, so this will be a slow WIP :(

Linking up:

Sew Fresh Quilts

And Lee:


  1. OMG! That is too funny about the chest!!! It totally looks much bigger in the listing picture than the picture you took!! Glad it worked out for you though :-) Can't wait to see what you come up with for the charms!!

    ~ Jess ~
    Everything Is Coming Up Rosie

  2. I love that wooden chest. And I am still laughing about the size and your husband's response. ;) I really love the green with the low volume, and the design you did. It is such a fun layout.

  3. You are doing SO well with your arm! I keep a ruler near my computer now and am always measuring things that I might buy online, which sort of helps, but not always. Your quilt looks great. When you were sharing about things you could and couldn't do with your arm, I was thinking..."Great time for precuts!"

  4. Love the photo of Nell on the box, with your lovely new handbag there too! Great timing to be able to use the charm squares now for gentle sewing.

  5. Will you ever learn? Ha, ha, ha! That chest is just the right size though. Glad you all like it because it is very nice. Looking forward to the progress on your new project. Take it easy on that arm!

  6. Congrats on being able to sew again! As long as your quilt doesn't have a deadline, slow can be good. Just take it easy and enjoy the process!

  7. Okay, woman, you are out of control! Has your husband pointed out you are a quilter and measuring should be your thing? Just saying. Your quilt is going to be so pretty!

  8. Your post made me laugh. That little chest is too cute! I am so glad that you are able to sew again here and there! :) -Brittany

  9. Don't over do, my friend. I know you want to be sewing, just don't hurt yourself.
    Your chest is a little smaller than the picture. That made me lol. I am really bad at dimensions and have to really pay attention. When someone comes in for a trim, I have to ask if that's a TEXAS trim or just a little bit. Everything in Texas is


I love reading all your comments, I know it takes time to write them but they make me smile so thank you for dropping by :)