
Friday 24 April 2015

Birthday giveaway :)

I had a wonderful birthday! I'm so blessed with great family and friends and they all made me feel very cherished - IG and Facebook messages, texts, phone calls, cards, gifts and great company throughout the day ... it doesn't get much better, hey? 

DH and I went out during the day. I had an ice cream on the beach AND we even found a friendly little quilting shop - Tailor Made - totally unplanned ... honest!

Today, I finished my new sewing machine accessories using these fabulous fabrics gifted to me from the lovely Carla @ creatin in the sticks:

See this post for some of the techniques I used. The sewing machine mat is so handy - I keep my seam rippers, scissors, tape measures in the pockets so I always know where they are:

The cover keeps all that yucky dust off my darling Juki when she's sleeping:

And the little bag is for all my leaders and enders:

Here's it all together:

So here's my giveaway. I need to make a quilt for our God-daughter's 18th birthday (and for her to take to University later this year) and here are my main fabrics - I'll probably add some pinks:

I need some ideas. What block would you choose? Leave me a comment below and I will put everyone's name into a draw on Wednesday night (7pm UK time). Your prize is - I will make you a sewing mat - you choose it's size and colours - and I will add some co-ordinating fabrics for you to make the other accessories (if you want to or you can just keep the fabrics).

Have a lovely weekend :)


  1. How about Churn Dash blocks? The ones Jo of Rose and Daliah blog is collecting for a Siblings Together quilt look really pretty.

  2. Happy Birthday! I've been putting off making a sewing mat so to have one made for me would be the height of luxury ;) My suggestion is sawtooth stars - always like the look of them.

  3. Hello! I don´t now the name of the block I think of but it is four hearts in it. Look att my blog, yesterday 23/4. I like this block and I think a 18th girl also do it.

  4. Happy Belated Birthday! Your set looks so cute all together. I would either do a star or a square in a square block.

  5. How about a giant Churn Dash block showcasing those cute dogs in the middle?

  6. Ah that's a great set of machine care items! I've just helped a friend make her first quilt for her daughters 18th, she used fabrics from the dresses she had as a little girl! We used the Ups and Downs pattern by Sarah Fielke and it worked brilliantly. You would need more fabric (hahaha!) so that might not be an option. I love a plus quilt myself, or large pluses on a low volume background. Does any of that help?

  7. Happy birthday lovely Jen!! I have been off line for so long that I totally forgot that it was your birthday! Sounds like you had a perfect day and to stumble upon a quilt shop is even better!! I love your fabric that you got for your sewing machine cover and to hold your accessories. Perfect for you!! I think you should do a churn dash or bear's paw pattern. Love the doggy material - so cute.

  8. Hope you had a Happy Birthday! How about a star block alternated with a snowball? I would use featured fabrics or photos for the center of the snowball. This would make for conversation starters with her new friends!

  9. I made my daughter a quilt with half square triangles when she went away to college. I had my long arm sewist quilt it closely since she sits on her bed to do homework. So I suggest any pattern that will survive frequent washing!

  10. What about a card trick block? That way you could showcase the lovely doggie fabric. Have a wonderful birthday.

  11. And I missed this one. Gosh, where have I been? Working and working and not much sewing. Love the sewing accessories. Now you HAVE to think of me when you sew...hehe my pretty. Love.


I love reading all your comments, I know it takes time to write them but they make me smile so thank you for dropping by :)