
Wednesday 22 April 2015

Lots of stuff ... :)

I really am a happy little quilter at present. I'm feeling so creative and productive ... if I didn't have to stop for work, I would quilt the world, I'm sure! 

Last weekend, I finally started quilting my 'soldier's quilt':

And I made another scrappy zipper pouch for my friend at work:

And put borders on my Strip Bee Quilt:

And I'm turning these 4 gorgeous fat quarters gifted ages ago to me by my dear friend Carla @ creatin in the sticks:

into a sewing mat, sewing machine cover and 'enders' bag! There's nothing wrong with the old set I made:

But I'm thrilled to be making fresh stuff for the new sewing room. There's lots of tutorials out there but I just made it up as I went along this time! In essence, you're making a mini quilt with a pocket in it. You can spend as much or as little time on it as you want. 

Here's some photos I took along the way:

I have learnt to leave a good 10" when joining the binding ends in this way:

And check before you cut:

Add your pockets where you want them:

Just need to hand sew the binding down:

Do you have a sewing mat? Would you like one? It's my birthday tomorrow so I think it's only right to do a giveaway post :)

Linking up with the lovely Lorna and Lee:

Sew Fresh Quilts


  1. So much to love about this post! Loving your stippling. Loving your zippy bags. And your sewing mat is adorable! I have one that I made a bit ago. Still going strong!

  2. Fab fabrics! The mat looks great.

  3. Oh that Wizard of Oz fabric makes my heart start! I LOVE LOVE LOVE your sewing mat, great idea. And Happy Birthday to you!

  4. You are like the Ketchup bottle!
    First comes nothing, then comes nothing and then you get it all;-)
    Fantastic fine projects that you are showing us!
    I really love your Glindafabric!
    A happy Birthday to you!
    There is a letter to you, but I don´t think the mailman is an magician;-)
    Lots of love and thanks for a lovely friendship!

  5. Love your mat :-) Hope you had a lovely birthday! Julie x

  6. Love seeing what you are working on. Your FMQ looks so nice and even. :)

  7. Just recently found your blog. Your work is gorgeous, what a lovely lady. I need to be more confident with fmq and seeing yours makes me want to try harder. Sue x

  8. Just recently found your blog. Your work is gorgeous, what a lovely lady. I need to be more confident with fmq and seeing yours makes me want to try harder. Sue x

  9. Wow, you have been busy. Isn't it great when you get a chunk of time just to putter in the sewing room. I know I love it when nothing else comes up and I can get lost in there. Looks like you have been enjoying yourself!

  10. It's so great to see your back to quilting. Love the mat it is so perfect for the fabric. I'm sorry I've neglected my blog reading, but it is so fun to catch up and see everything at once. I'll get back in a routine eventually. Until then I hope you won't have hard feelings when I don't comment right away... You have been a busy lady and blogging a lot. I missed your lovely posts.


I love reading all your comments, I know it takes time to write them but they make me smile so thank you for dropping by :)